This Isn’t the Life I Signed Up For: …But I’m Finding Hope and Healing, A 10-Week Journey by Donna Partow
“This Isn’t the Life I signed up for: But I’m Finding Hope and Healing” by Donna Partow is a spiritual guide that helps readers navigate through unexpected challenges and final renewal. It’s structured as a ten-week journey. Offering practical advice, biblical wisdom, and personal anecdotes to encourage readers to overcome adversity and embrace hope. Partow…
Warrior Mom: Defending Your Children in the Court of Heaven by Timothy Atunnise
“Warrior Mom: Defending Your Children in the Court of Heaven” by Timothy Atunnise is a compelling and deeply spiritual book that offers guidance and empowerment to mothers facing challenges in protecting and advocating for their children. Atunnise, delves into the concept of spiritual warfare and the role mothers can play in defending their children in…